Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Feature!

Inspired by the comments of a friend who remarked on my free-floating hatred (which, on that occasion, had been directed at Chad Kroeger and Nickelback), I've decided to attempt at least a semi-regular feature here, which I will call...


Today's Douchelord comes to us courtesy of Fox News. When talking about Fox News, there are always several strong candidates for the leading Douchelord on any given day, and on this particular day, the number one Douchelord is none other than Sean Hannity. The guy is vile enough when he's just talking, but it's a whole other matter when the host of a television program on any network attempts to deliberately mislead the viewing audience. A few days ago, while discussing a small-ish health care rally in Washington, he aired footage of a much larger Tea Party protest in an attempt to make the health care rally appear to be a more populated event. Of course, Jon Stewart noticed some discrepancies in the video, most notably that it was taken during the summer (as an aside, isn't it interesting how the "fake news" in this country is more honest than the so-called "real news"?)

Of course, Mr. Hannity was forced to issue an apology, and might have saved himself from being the Douchelord of this day, but he just had to insist that the airing of that video was accidental. Well, Mr. Hannity, that is an outright lie, and everybody knows it. The videos that are aired on your show, any show, are loaded ahead of time. You know what videos you are going to put on the air, and you have time to check and make sure you have the right one. It is very apparent that you intentionally and willfully attempted to mislead your viewing audience, Mr. Hannity, and for that, I have no choice but to name you as the Douchelord of the Day.

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