Saturday, February 6, 2010

Too Much to Ask

I was about to make this a facebook status, but then I thought that it might turn into a long-ish rant, so I decided to put it here instead.

Why do people posting statuses (is that a word? Spellcheck isn't complaining about it...though curiously, it did highlight the word "spellcheck"...hmmm...let me start over...)

Why do people who post a status, or more often a number of them, about their young child, almost invariably seem to refer to said child as "angle"? What kind of angle is it, folks? An obtuse one, I suspect. Look, for one, you mean "angel", so you sound like an idiot. Two, your child is not an angel either, just one more screaming mouth that needs feeding in a world that already has far too many of those, and that will one day become instead a mouth that talks ceaselessly about things it knows dangerously little about, and we certainly have too many of those. Three, have you noticed about how many people usually comment on these status updates? About two, and those are your other two friends who have a little "angle" of their own and who also have nothing to do other than talk about every stupid thing the little "angle" does, and even that amounts to a whole lotta nothing.

Back to my first point, though. Why do people who have about as much skill with the English language as your common snail insist on publicizing this fact? If you're going to insist on spouting your drivel in a public forum, you really ought to run each and every thing you type through a spellcheck, and then you ought to read over it carefully and make sure that everything makes sense. If you do these things and still post an update full of spelling and grammatical errors, then you might be beyond help, and you should refrain from doing things that make it widely known that you have all the intelligence of a box of Tic-Tacs. Honestly, I don't expect Shakespearean prose from everyone; I don't even expect everyone to write as well as, say, Stephenie Meyer. But you are an adult, you should be able to, at a minimum, spell correctly, use punctuation properly, put your words in order that they form coherent sentences, and use the right words in the right places. Really, that is not too much to ask, people.

1 comment:

  1. Was that one of those awkwardly backhanded compliments to Ms. Meyer? That was very tame of you... It sounds similarly to your mom commenting on your appearance.

    This. This is why I have texting turned off on my cellular device. Because anyone who texts in the ill-contracted manners of popularity would be instantly deleted.

    It is such a mediocre shame I burned all those letters; sooner or later, they might have been regarded as Shakespeare-equivalent a hundred years from now at the current rates of language degradation.
