Monday, December 28, 2009

Coming Up Empty

I know, right? Two posts in one day...amazing. Or something. Well, I was just thinking...I was reading Ada's blog. She used to be Becky, my ex, in another life. We've been off-again, on-again friends in the couple years since then, and we really ought to be much more on-again. We don't see eye-to-eye per se, and we're not really the same kind of person, but we understand each other. That is to say, I think I understand her reasonably well, at least as much as she'll let me, and I know she understands me better than all but maybe one or two people, maybe even better than I understand myself.

Anyway, I was reading her blog, and I was noticing how different from mine her writing style is. We both fancy ourselves writers in some way, and we both have a knack, but that's about it for similarities. She writes in a disjointed sort of way, but it is poetic just the same. It's got kind of a stream-of-consciousness sort of feel to it at times. It has a certain understated quality to it, whatever that means anyway. Whatever she says, it's pretty, even if it's ugly. You get that?

My writing? It's not necessarily ugly, so to speak. It's just very utilitarian. It gets the job done. There is structure, maybe overly so. I don't know another way to write. There is no poetry to it. I suspect that, for all of my talents with the English language, I just lack the requisite tortured-soul aspect of your more artistic sorts of writers. Hm...perhaps that is the reason I don't often go into more personal territory when I write a blog? Someone like Ada, she has a legitimate and personal beef with the world, or with her maker, however she chooses to characterize it. Me? Well, I've had a pretty good and typical sort of life to this point, though I've largely chosen to live it atypically in my own ways. Nevertheless, I haven't really had any undue hardship or anything like that. Not saying that I want any of that, either, but I wonder if my reasonably good life has inhibited my writing in some way. Certainly, it limits what I can talk about here. If I complain about my life, it's just some guy whining. Not that I want to complain anyway...I'm happy with my life, and with the great majority of the things that have happened in it. I hope I don't just have low standards for what makes me happy. So, I talk about politics and current events and the media, a bit of philosophy and shots at religion and stupid people, with a fair mix of what I perceive to be humor intertwined throughout it all. That's fine, and it seems to work, but sometimes...I wonder if there's something I'm missing.

1 comment:

  1. On our next date, I'll give you a list of sad things about which to write, and that should up your ratings, Mr. Meadors.

    Haha. :D

    Thanks for the plug, by the way.
