Thursday, March 4, 2010

We're All Mad Here...But Not Nearly Mad Enough

Anybody notice that there's been an awful lot of seismic activity on this planet lately? First Haiti, then Chile, one in Taiwan the other day...even some rumblings along the New Madrid Fault. I know that there's always some tectonic movement going on, most of which goes unreported because it's pretty minor. But those first three were all pretty big ones, all pretty close together...does anyone else think that's a bad sign? I mean, that's some end of days shit there! Okay, maybe we don't have birds falling out of the sky or the dead rising from the grave or anything, but still...

Actually, I'm really more thinking along the lines of, this planet is fucking rebelling against us (the human race, that is). We sprung up accidentally from the primordial ooze, and we've pretty well been trashing the place ever since, like teenagers with too much beer and too little supervision. This isn't any sort of environmental rant, mind you. I think we've long since passed the point of no return, and anything we try to do to fix it now is just gonna be a day late and a dollar short. So no, this is not a plea to recycle and reduce your carbon footprint or any of that. Think of it more as a smack to the back of the head. Look what we've done, because we can't possibly manage to think of anything larger than our own little world. Oh, there are other people who might be affected adversely by my actions? I'm sorry, I didn't know! Well, it's broken now, and there's no going back and fixing it. We only had one planet, and we've gone and pissed it off so bad that it'll never forgive us. You know all those earthquakes? That's the earth trying to shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas. That's all we are, a bunch of fucking parasites. Think that's a little harsh? Bullshit, it's a reality, and if you can't accept that reality, then you're more than just a little deluded, my friend. You're not cynical if it really is as bad as you say.

So, I'm sure we'll be able to hang tight for a little bit longer, maybe even until the last members of my generation are pushing up daisies (if we haven't managed to wipe daisies out by then). But it's only a matter of time before the earth decides it's finally had enough and comes up with a way to get rid of all of us for good, and then...that's all, folks!


  1. Nice line with the flea/dog analogy. . . But as an ex-biology major, I'm inclined to confess that without us, the earth would equivocally self-destructive. I mean, in reality, the earth, mankind: both doomed from the beginning of their creations. The planet won't save our lives. We won't save [its]. Humans are a little impatient about this whole self-destructive process: we want it now.

    Global Warming is the lethal injection; but death penalty or no death penalty, everything disintegrates.

    Somewhere, there's a committee of dinosaurs in business suits at a round table with their arms crossed across their chests, shaking their heads, "I told ya so," towards their television of Humanity. :)

  2. A much more eloquent version of my blog from earlier this week. I will forgive that, applaud you and let you stay with me when the shit hits the fan. Because before Earth finishes us off there is going to be some drama.

  3. you and aud should come join the commune im going to start.
